Support Foster Progress

We depend on donors like you to provide high quality programming for Illinois youth in foster care.


Monthly givers provide consistent support and ensure the stability of Foster Progress programs and scholarship fund.

Setting up a recurring monthly donation is the single most impactful way you can support our work, freeing us from thinking about fundraising so that we can focus on programming. 


$100/month provides a student with a one-on-one mentor for an entire year.


$75/month provides a student with the chance to attend an adventure therapy trip with Traverse.


$50/month pays for emergency assistance such as car repairs or rent.


$25/month buys a dorm kit for a new college freshman.


Donating Stock

Donating stock is beneficial to both you and Foster Progress! When you donate stock, there are no capital gains taxes taken out, so you can donate even more to our programs. That means you can claim a higher deduction on your taxes too.

In order to donate stock to charity, it must be stock that you have owned for over a year and has appreciated during the time you’ve owned it.

Thank you! We couldn't do it without your generous support.